Saturday 15 February 2014

Entry 9: Case Study of equal representation of reality in mass media

In this entry, I would like to share a video before starting my content. This video is a thai video done by Wacoal Thailand and this is the third story from “My beautiful Woman”.

From the beginning of this video, it illustrates a young single mother with her “daughter”. Being a family relationship between young single mother and daughter, they face abundance of hardship yet their bond together is unbreakable.

Through this hardship and the beyond the call of “Motherhood”, love and community without the desire for any form of outward recognition, this video is successfully attach with audiences on an emotional, spiritual and heartfelt level.

What I think, this is one of the fine examples of showing something related to unpleasant topic (single parent family) and their approach is appropriate and refreshing on advertising their products. Even though the actual products didn’t appear or related in this story of a single mother and a daughter, this heartwarming video is already rising the fame and attention from audience with what I mention in entry 5 (emotional appeal). Besides, this single parent family also jumps from the stereotype image of completed family (nuclear family).

However, toward the end of the story, we will realize that actually the daughter is adopted by the young girl. The baby is abandoned by her parents. Which mean, their relationship is adoptees and adoptive parent. Besides, I assume that this young girl also has similar encounter with the baby, abandoned by her parent. The proven reasons are start from she starts burst into tears after discover the baby and their living lifestyle which shown 2:30 mins in the video. This is a clever execution on bring another serious topic indirectly to rise the awareness of abandoned baby issues. 

From here, it shows one of fine examples of advertisers out of the box and reflecting something more reality storyline which justify with nowadays scenario.  

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